Gender as a category of Colombian Foreign Policy Analysis


  • María Catalina Monroy Hernández USA - Colombia
  • Felipe Jaramillo Ruiz USA - Colombia

Palabras clave:

Foreign Policy Analysis – Feminism – Gender – Colombia


The article provides a gender approximation to foreign policy analysis using Colombia as a case study. It examines if women decision-makers think differently from men in regards to foreign policy, so as to evidence if there is a female-way of foreign policy making. Explicitly, the study hopes to lend some insight into the empirical consequences of gender in FPA, so as to present alternative theoretical tools for International Relations research making. Thus, by inquiring how gender shapes how diplomats perceive foreign policy, the study expounds its empirical findings into the feminist theoretical debates.


Biografía del autor/a

  • María Catalina Monroy Hernández, USA - Colombia
    PhD Political Studies. Director of International Relations in the School of Politics and International Relations at the Sergio Arboleda University. Principal Co-Investigator of the WomanStats Project.
  • Felipe Jaramillo Ruiz, USA - Colombia
    Associate Professor at the School of Politics and International Relations at the Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Bogotá, Colombia. MA in Democracy and social transformations of the University of Helsinki, Finland. BA in International Relations and Law from the Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Colombia. Member of the research group Policy Analysis Sergio Arboleda University, Bogotá, Colombia. Founding member of Red Intercol.


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Cómo citar

Gender as a category of Colombian Foreign Policy Analysis. (2016). Studia Politicæ, 35, p. 31 - 57.

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