The influence of the Messianic and Apocalyptic Aspirations over the Today's Middle East Conflicts


  • Asadollah Azhir


It is highly thought that the messianic activism lies behind the political crashes in todays Middle East conflicts. Therefore, we need to survey whether the Abrahamic traditions have any influence over the everydays political challenges. This paper is going to show that messianism at the two sides of conflicts is not the main factor. Both in Islam and in Judaism, messianic activism (or active messianism) is not permitted and the abuse or instrumentalization of this belief is hardly rejected. Theappearance of such aspirations depends, conversely, on the political situations. Nearly any religion would be converted or transformed to a political movement, if its followers could not find their favorite world through secular human actions. The failure of international and regional organizations or conferences to solve the problems justly and impartially led to the appearance of a religious messianic approach to the Middle East conflicts.


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Como Citar

The influence of the Messianic and Apocalyptic Aspirations over the Today’s Middle East Conflicts. (2013). Studia Politicæ, 14, p. 71-85.