Las juventudes mexicanas en el contexto de la Cuarta Transformación. Educación y trabajo


  • Arturo Torres Mendoza
  • Víctor Manuel Ponce Grima
  • Ana Cecilia Valencia Aguirre



The content of this article corresponds to a documentary investigation thatplaces the focus on the needs and possibilities of Mexican youth to have access toeducation and work within the framework of the actions carried out by the political andadministrative authorities of Mexico. The main objective of the analysis is to identifythe scope of the policies, programs, and actions of the 4T to meet the demands ofeducation, employment, and the recognition of the rights of Mexican youth. Themethodological approach is based on the collection of different materials included inthis paper, following the logic of a documentary review, in order to later carry out theanalysis and to obtain conclusions about the programs and actions to meet the needsof Mexican youth.Keywords: youth, right to education, labor law, social guarantee.



How to Cite

Las juventudes mexicanas en el contexto de la Cuarta Transformación. Educación y trabajo. (2020). Diálogos Pedagógicos, 18(36), 14-32.